Eli Drake


Entrance with Title


School Boy Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle


Back Elbow

Throw on the Ropes + Back Elbow

Corner Shoulder Thrusts


Leap-Up Superplex

Diving Pointed Elbow Drop

Slingshot Shoulder Tackle

Jumping Neckbreaker on the Apron

Apron Rope-Hung Leg Drop

Outside Chop

Outside Pop-Up Reverse Skylord Slam on the Apron

Outside Back Suplex on the Steel Steps

Jumping Elbow Drop

Body Slam

Big Boot

Kitchen Sink

Scoop Powerslam

Sleeper Slam

Skylord Slam

Pop-Up Skylord Slam

Reverses a Brainbuster with a Neckbreaker

Jumping Neckbreaker

Escapes from the Corner + Jumping Neckbreaker

Torture Rack Neckbreaker

Crash Thunder Buster

Running DDT

Burning Hammer

Bottom Rung

 Blunt Force Trauma

Gravy Train