Sammy Guevara



Reverses a Crucifix Powerbomb with a Hurricanrana

Reverses a Tiger Driver with a Hurricanrana

Back Elbow

School Boy Roll-Up

Reverses a Tiger Suplex with a Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Forearm Smash

Double Springboard Crossbody

Corkscrew Topé Suicida

Corkscrew Plancha

Springboard 450° Double Axe Handle to the Outside

Asai Moonsault

Standing Shooting Star Press

Stands on foot after a German Suplex + Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Shooting Star Press to the Back

Scoop Powerslam + Feint Springboard Moonsault + Feint Standing Moonsault + Standing Shooting Star Press

Outside Snap Suplex

Vertical Suplex to the Outside + Snap Suplex on the Floor

Reverses a Dragon Suplex with a Wheelbarrow Roll into a Double Stomp

Diving Double Stomp to a Opponent on the Apron

Dropkick + Kip-Up

Backflip + Dropkick + Kip-Up

Leapfrog + Backflip + Dropkick + Kip-Up

Stands on foot after a German Suplex + Enzuigiri Kick

Feint Roundhouse Kick + Spinning Kick

Spinning Kick after a Opponent blocks a Bicycle Kick

Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Superkick to a Seated Opponent

Superkick to the Back of the Head on a Seated Opponent

Back Suplex Dropped into a Kick to the Back

Arm-Trap Back Suplex Dropped into a Kick to the Back

Running Knee Strike

Bicycle Knee Strike

Jumping Knee Strike

Reverses a Diving Move with a Jumping Knee Strike

Jumping Knee Strike + Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Fireman's Carry Squats into a Samoan Drop

Back Suplex flipped into a DDT

Springboard Cutter

Arm-Trap Spanish Fly

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Running Avalanche Spanish Fly

Shooting Star Press


GTH from the Top Rope

Reverses a Springboard Move with a GTH

Bicycle Knee Strike + GTH

Jumping Knee Strike + GTH

630° Senton to a Table on the Outside

630° Senton