Jun Akiyama


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction


Figure Four Leg Lock

Ude Gatame

Waki Gatame

Dragon Screw Leg Whip on the Apron

Dragon Screw Leg Whip to a Opponent on the Top Rope

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Outside Piledriver


Outside Tombstone Piledriver

Gotch Tombstone Piledriver

Outside DDT

DDT on the Apron


Double Arm DDT

Diving Elbow Smash to the Back of the Head

Diving Elbow Smash

Alley Oop on the Corner

Folding Powerbomb

Outside Brainbuster catching a Opponent Inside the Ring

Emerald Flowsion


Knee Drop to the Back to a Opponent on the Apron

Running Knee Lift

Apron Flying Knee Strike to the Outside

Reverses a Flying Shoulder Tackle with a Jumping Knee Strike

Jumping Knee Strike

Corner Running Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike on the Back to a Kneeling Opponent

Outside Running Knee Strike to a Kneeling Opponent

Running Knee Strike to a Kneeling Opponent

German Suplex + Running Knee Strike to a Kneeling Opponent

German Suplex + Running Knee Strike to a Seated Opponent

Corner Jumping Knee Strike + Northern Lights Suplex

Northern Lights Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Avalanche Backdrop

Backdrop Suplex

King Crab Lock

Outside Exploder Suplex

Exploder Suplex on the Apron

Apron Exploder Suplex to a Opponent on the Top Rope to the Outside

Reverses a Rolling Elbow with a Exploder Suplex

Reverses a Lariat with a Exploder Suplex

Elbow Smash to the Arm + Exploder Suplex

Corner Jumping Knee Strike to the Back + Exploder Suplex

Corner Jumping Knee Strike to the Back + Exploder Suplex

Running Knee Lift + Exploder Suplex

Avalanche Exploder Suplex

2 Exploder Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Exploder '98

Sternness Dust Alpha

Sternness Dust Gamma

Sternness Dust Omega