Ryusuke Taguchi

Backstage Talk


Entrance With Title


Ring Introduction


Double Fist

Breaks Pinfall

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Jumping Hip Attack

Running Hip Attack

Sliding Hip Attack

Running Hip Attack to a Seated Opponent

Multiples Running Hip Attack to a Seated Opponent 

Multiples Running Hip Attack to a Different Opponents Seated

Springboard Hip Attack

Atomic Drop

Inverted Exploder Suplex


Triangle Plancha

Tope Con Hilo to Two Opponents

Tope Con Hilo

School Boy Roll Up

Backslide Roll Up

Inverted Roll Up

Wheelbarrow Roll Up

Kido Clutch

Tiger Suplex Hold

Blue Thunder Bomb

Oh My & Garankle

Rolling Oh My & Garankle

Dodon's Throne

Dodon The End
