Pete Dunne


Entrance with Title


Slap to a Kneeling Opponent

Short-Arm Slap

Punching Combo

Short-Arm Headbutt

Diving Dropkick to the Leg

Moonsault Plancha

Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Outside

Apron Soccer Kick to the Arm to the Outside

Brainbuster from the Steel Steps to the Outside

Grounded Hammerlock & Inverted Armbreaker

Double Foot Stomp to the Legs

Double Foot Stomp to the Hands

Stomp to the Hand

Stomps to the Hand

Stomp to the Elbow

Stomp to the Elbow on the Apron

Diving Stomp to the Elbow

Stomp to the Head

Double Foot Stomp to the Head

Arm-Trapped Stomps to the Head

Rolling Kneebar

Ankle Lock

Kimura Lock

Kimura Lock + Finger Stretch

Reverses a Rolling Thunder Lariat with a Cross Armbreaker

Romero Special

Regal Stretch

Triangle Choke

Reverses a Diving Splash with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Moonsault Press with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Springboard 450° Splash with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Standing Shooting Star Press with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Tiger Driver with a Triangle Choke

Koji Clutch

Reverse STO + Koji Clutch

Arm-Breaker and Finger Stretch Combination

Omoplata and Finger Stretch Combination

Finger Snap

Tope Rope Finger Snap

Avalanche Single-Underhook Suplex

Half and Half Suplex

German Suplex on the Corner

German Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

Push a Opponent on the Ropes + Rebound German Suplex

Soccer Kick to the Arm

Corner Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Escapes from the Corner + Corner Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Arm-Trap Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Outside Escapes from the Steel Steps + Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Buzzsaw Kick

Double Foot Stomp to the Hands + Buzzsaw Kick

Rebound German Suplex + Double Foot Stomp to the Hands + Buzzsaw Kick

Buzzsaw Kick to the Back

Stands on foot after a German Suplex + Buzzsaw Kick to the Back

Penalty Kick


Reverses a Rolling Thunder Lariat with a Lariat

Leapfrog + Slides Under + Lariat

Crucifix Bomb

Sitout Powerbomb

Sitout Powerbomb from the Top Rope

Orange Crush Bomb

Four Star Forearm

Tope Rope Four Star Forearm

Outside Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Diving Move with a Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Shooting Star Press with a Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Springboard Crossbody with a Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Springboard European Uppercut with a Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Springboard Move with a Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Springboard Moonsault with a Four Star Forearm

Reverses a Vaulting Plancha with a Four Star Forearm

Rolling Four Star Forearm


Outside X-Plex

Outside X-Plex on the Apron

Outside X-Plex In another Opponent on the Apron

X-Plex into a Cross Armbreaker

Finger Bending

Better End

Better End + Tombstone Piledriver

Bitter End