Will Ospreay (2.0)

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Reverse Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Reverses a Gory Bomb with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Reverses a Pop-Up Frankensteiner with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Running Hurricanrana


European Uppercut

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes

Corner Chop

Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Bicycle Kick

Low Corner Dropkick

Cheeky Nandos Kick

Cheeky Nandos Kick + Roll-Up

Avalanche Tornado DDT

Avalanche Double Arm-Hold Sitout Scoop Slam

Burning Star Press

Shooting Star Press

Shooting Star Press to the Back

Air Assassin

Corkscrew Moonsault Plancha

Feint Moonsault Press + Feint Standing Moonsault + Standing Shooting Star Press + Springboard Corkscrew Senton

Handspring Overhead Kick

Rope-Hung Double Foot Stomp to the Back of the Head

Hanging DDT

Tiger Feit Kick

Springboard Coast-to-Coast Dropkick

Springboard Double Foot Stomp to the Back of the Head in a Opponent on the Apron

Superman Landing

Sasuke Special


Pip Pip Cheerio

Outside Pip Pip Cheerio

Outside Neckbreaker

Outside Pop-Up Powerbomb on the Apron

Figure Four Leg Lock

Arm-Trap Crossface

Koji Clutch

Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Corkscrew Senton

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up Double Foot Stomp

Pendulum Backbreaker

Reverses a Octopus Hold with a Pendulum Backbreaker

Vertical Suplex

Half Nelson Suplex

German Suplex

Snap German Suplex


Spinning Back Kick

Spinning Kick

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Backflip + Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Reverses a Diving Move with a Roundhouse Kick

Hook Kick

Ripcord Hook Kick

Roundhouse Kick + Hook Kick

Roundhouse Kick + Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Robinson Special

Robinson Special to the Face

Corkscrew Falling Stunner

Reverses a Avalanche Hurricanrana with a Powerbomb

Reverses a Triangle Choke with a Sitout Powerbomb

Sitout Powerbomb

Float-Over Sitout Powerbomb

Reverses a Blade Runner with a Float-Over Sitout Powerbomb

Reverses a Lariat with a Float-Over Sitout Powerbomb

Float-Over Spinning Sitout Powerbomb


Spanish Fly

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Spanish Fly

Reverses a Diving Move with a Cutter

Lifting Reverse DDT

Reverse Rana

Reverses a Fireman's Carry Move with a Reverse Rana

Tombstone Piledriver

Pumphandle Half Nelson Driver

Essex Destroyer

Hidden Blade

Ripcord Hook Kick + Hidden Blade

Hidden Blade to the Face


Roundhouse Kick + OsCutter

OsCutter on the Apron

Outside OsCutter

Super OsCutter

Storm Breaker

Super OsCutter + Storm Breaker