Zachary Wentz


Crucifix Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Sunset Flip Roll-Up



Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to the Back of the Head

Corner Chop

 Corner Jumping Knee Strike

Running Corner European Uppercut

Running Corner European Uppercuts

Running Corner Dropkick

Running Corner Dropkicks

 Running Corner Jumping Knee Strike

Reverse Rana from the Top Rope

Diving Hurricanrana

Rope-Hung Bicycle Kick

Rope-Hung Superkick

Springboard Corkscrew Crossbody

Handspring Jumping Knee Strike

Slingshot Senton

Springboard Knee Strike

Suicide Dive

 Vaulting Plancha

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

 Apron Superkick to Outside

Moonsault from the Apron to Outside

Standing Moonsault

Standing Moonsault to the Back

Standing Shooting Star Press

 Muta Lock

 Jumping Knee Strike


 Striking Combination ended with a Enzuigiri Kick

 Rolling Snapmare + PK


Gunckel Driver

Swanton Bomb

UFO Cutter