Ace Austin


Entrance with Title


Jackknife Roll-Up

O'Connor Roll

Oklahoma Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Springboard Avalanche Arm-Drag

Diving Hurricanrana

Top Rope Headscissors from the Apron

Top Rope Headscissors from the Apron into Another Opponent

Forearm Smash

Slingshot Baseball Slide

Suicide Dive

Fosbury Flop

Fosbury Flop to a Two Opponents

Springboard Corkscrew Senton

Springboard Fameasser

Reverse Frog Splash

Kneeling Armbreaker

Reverse a 450° Splash with a Triangle Choke

Card Cut

Body Slam

Second Rope Diving Leg Drop

Outside Snap Suplex

Snap Suplex

Butterfly Suplex

Gutwrench Suplex

Northern Lights Suplex

Spider German Suplex

Apron Handstand + PK to the Outside

Apron Handstand + Cartwheel + Superkick to the Outside

Outside Drop Toe Hold on the Apron + Kick to the Back

Drop Toe Hold + Kick to the Back

Rolling Drop Toe Hold + Kick to the Leg + Kick to the Back

Rolling Drop Toe Hold + Kick to the Leg + Kick to the Back + Running Bulldog


Reverses a Ankle Lock with a Enzuigiri Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Spinning Heel Kick

Double Spinning Heel Kick

Spinning Heel Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Tornado Kick

Put in the Corner + Tonado Kick

Tornado Kick

Crispy Kick


Bangarama + Springboard Corkscrew Senton

House of Cards

Bangarama + House of Cards

Fake O'Connor Roll + The Fold

Slingshot The Fold

Monkey Flip into a The Fold

The Fold