El Phantasmo

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Titles


Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Backslide Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Reverses a Stormbreaker with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Low Blow



Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Chop

Tree-Of-Woe Dropkick

Tree-of-Woe Pressing Stomp to the Dick

Turnbuckle-Trapped Superkick

Top Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Avalanche Hurricanrana

Avalanche Torture Rack Neckbreaker

Best Moonsault Ever

Frog Splash

Frog Splash to the Back

Swanton Bomb + Best Moonsault Ever

Open-Handed Chop in a Opponent on the Ropes

 Bicycle Knee Strike in a Opponent on the Ropes

Wrist-Lock Springboard Hurricanrana

Rope-Walk Wrist-Lock Springboard Hurricanrana

Springboard Moonsault

Springboard Crossbody + Springboard Moonsaut

Superman Landing

Suicide Dive

Piledriver on the Apron

Outside Shin Breaker on the Apron

Outside Powerbomb on the Apron

Outside Plancha from the Crowd

Outside Moonsault from the Crowd

Half Boston Crab

Boston Crab

Ankle Lock

Pendulum Backbreaker

Spinning Back Kick


Low Dropkick to the Leg

Enzuigiri Kick


Superkick in Mid-Air

Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Punt Kick

Discus Lariat

One-Arm Deadlift Sitout Powerbomb

Styles Clash

Swinging Torture Rack Neckbreaker

Swinging Torture Rack Neckbreaker Catch in Mid-Air