Fred Yehi


Entrance with Title

Gedo Clutch

Shoulder Tackle


Mongolian Chops


Forearm Smash

Rolling Elbow

 Rolling Elbow to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Chop

Corner Chops

Running Corner Forearm Smash

John Woo


Chop in the Ropes

Figure Four Leg Lock

Ankle Lock

Dragon Sleeper

Stomp to the Foot

Stomp to the Leg

Stomp to the Knee

Stomp to the Hand

Stomps to the Hands

Double Foot Stomp to the Leg

Double Foot Stomp

Double Foot Stomp to the Back


Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Knee Chop Block

Backbreaker Drop


Low Dropkick to the Leg

Basement Dropkick

Basement Dropkick to the Back of the Head

Shotgun Dropkick

Shotgun Dropkick Rebounded from the Corner

Pele Kick

Single-Underhook Suplex

Reverse Suplex

Gutwrench Suplex

Deadlift Exploder Suplex

German Suplex

Pulling German Suplex

German Suplex Catch from the Corner

Deadlift Bridge German Suplex

Dragon Suplex

Folding Powerbomb

Reverses a Leapfrog with a Folding Powerbomb

Fisherman Buster

Fisherman Driver

Liu Kang

Top Rope Liu Kang

Koji Clutch

Reverse STO + Koji Clutch

Codebreaker + Koji Clutch