Robbie Eagles

Backstage Talk


Ring Introduction

Double Arm Roll-Up

Jackknife Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up


Avalanche Hurricanrana

Diving Hurricanrana

Corner Chop

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes 

Corner Chops + Forearm Smashes

Somersault Suicida

Kick to the Leg

Springboard Low Dropkick to the Leg

Middle Kick

Middle Kicks to a Kneeling Opponent

Leg Lariat to a Kneeling Opponent

Middle Kicks + Leg Lariat to a Kneeling Opponent

Sliding Leg Lariat

Snapmare + Sliding Leg Lariat

Calf Kick

Spinning Back Kick + Kick to the Face + Low Dropkick to the Leg

Roundhouse Kick + Superkick + Spinning Enzuigiri Kick

Spinning Back Kick + Kick to the Face + Roundhouse Kick + Superkick + Spinning Enzuigiri Kick


Superkick to a Seated Opponent

Corner Flying Double Knee Strike

Running Corner Double Knee Strike

Corner Flying Double Knee + Running Corner Double Knee Strike

Springboard Elbow Drop to the back of the Head

Tiger Feint Kick + Springboard Elbow Drop to the Back of the Head

Sliding Elbow Smash to the Back of the Head

Springboard Low Dropkick to the Leg + Sliding Elbow Stamp

Slingshot Double Foot Stomp in a Opponent on the Apron

Tilt-a-Whirl DDT

Slingshot DDT on the Apron

Reverse Rana

Springboard Dragonrana

Iverted Shiranu DDT

Turbo Backpack

Turbo Backpack on the Apron

Pulse Drop

Outside Pulse Drop

Avalanche Pulse Drop

Warp 4.5

Warp 4.5 to a Trapped Opponent

Warp 4.5 to the Back

450° Splash to the Leg

Ron Miller Special

Ron Miller Special after a Opponent Kick Out

Wheelbarrow Roll into a Ron Miller Special

Leg Sweep + Ron Miller Special

Springboard Low Dropkick to the Leg + Ron Miller Special

450 Splash to the Leg + Ron Miller Special