Timothy Thatcher


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Double-Arm Roll-Up

Hammer Fists to the Chest



European Uppercut

Reverses a Coast-to-Coast with a European Uppercut

Reverses a Diving Move with a European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Right Hook

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smashes + European Uppercuts

Corner Hammer Fist to the Chest

Corner European Uppercut

Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Forearm Smashes

Corner Stomps

Top Rope Slap

Top Rope European Uppercut


Hammer Fist to the Chest in a Opponent on the Ropes

European Uppercut in a Opponent on the Ropes

Outside Hammer Fist to the Chest

Outside European Uppercut

Outside Brainbuster

Bow and Arrow

Half Boston Crab


Ankle Lock

Kimura Lock

Cross Armbreaker

Reverses a Dragon Screw Leg Whip with a Cross Armbreaker

Russian Leg Sweep + Lotus Lock

Sleeper Hold

Rear Naked Choke

Reverses a Japanese Leg Roll Clutch with a Rear Naked Choke

Knees to the Gut

Big Boot

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Butterfly Suplex

Float-Over Snap Suplex

Belly-to-Belly Suplex

2 Belly-to-Belly Suplexes

Deadlift Gutwrench Suplex

Saito Suplex

Deadlift Saito Suplex

German Suplex

Leg Trapped Deadlift German Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

Float-Over Butterfly Suplex 


Fujiwara Armbar

Reverses a Rolling Elbow with a Fujiwara Armbar

Deadlift Gutwrench Suplex + Fujiwara Armbar

Saka Otoshi