

Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Jackknife Roll-Up

La Magistral

 O'Connor Roll

School Boy Roll-Up


Forearm Smash

Topé con Hilo

Diving Crossbody

Diving Double Foot Stomp

Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Reverses a Sunset Flip with a Double Foot Stomp

Cruceta Invertidas

Gorilla Clutch

Snapmare + Kick to the Back of the Head

Spinning Back Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Jackie Chan


King's Landing

Apron Syuri Knee to the Outside

Corner Syuri Knee to Inside

Corner Syuri Knee

Escapes from the Corner + Syuri Knee

Aided Corner Syuri Knee

Combination Strikes + Syuri Knee

Combination Strikes + Jumping Syuri Knee

Syuri Knee

Escapes from the Corner + Syuri Knee

Syuri Knee to a Kneeling Opponent

Reverses a Springboard Move with a Syuri Knee

Reverses a Corner Springboard Move with a Syuri Knee

Reverses a Second Rope Diving Move with a Syuri Knee

Reverses a Diving Move with a Syuri Knee

Superman Senton

Navarro '128

Navarro '187

Navarro '234

Navarro '264

Navarro '312 

Navarro Deathroll

Backslide + Fall of the Angels

Fall of the Angels

Fall of the Angels from the Corner