Austin Aries


 Entrance with Title

Entrance with Titles


Ropes Taunt

Reverses a Air Raid Crash with a Crucifix Roll-Up

O'Connor Roll

School Boy Roll-Up

Low Blow

Reverses a Go to Heel with a Hurricanrana

Diving Hurricanrana


 Slingshot Roll Over the Opponent to Inside + Bell Clap

Bell Clap

Outside Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chops

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes

Corner Forearm Smashes

Running Corner Back Elbow

Diving Double Axe Handle to the Outside

Diving Basement European Uppercut to the Back

Snapmare + Diving Basement European Uppercut to the Back

Missile Dropkick

Slingshot Senton

Heat Seeking Missile

Japanese Arm-Drag on the Turnbuckle

Powerdrive Elbow

Soccer Kick to the Back

 Headstand into a Basement Dropkick

Punt Kick

Outside Running Knee Strike in a Opponent on the Apron

Knee Strikes to the Head

Macho Neck Snap


Shin Breaker + Leg-Hook Saito Suplex

Death Valley Driver on the Apron

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Crucifix Driver

Outside Discus Fivearm to the Back of the Head

Discus Fivearm


Last Chancery

Reverses a Spear with a Last Chancery

450° Splash

450° Splash on the Two Opponents

Brainbuster on the Floor
