Chris Hero



Ring Introduction


Corner Chop


Corner Flying Wing Attack

Flying Wing Attack

Right Hook

Forearm Smash to the Hand + Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smash


Outside Running Senton in a Opponent on the Chairs

Body Slam + Senton Bomb

Senton Bomb

Reverses a Leapfrog with a Big Boot

Fake Chop + Big Boot

Blocks a Kick + Bicycle Knee Strike

Bicycle Knee Strike

Busaiku Knee Kick

Top Rope Bicycle Kick

Bicycle Kick to a Opponent on the Apron

Bicycle Kick to a Opponent on the Ropes

Bicycle Kick

Chops + Bicycle Kicks

Hero Sidekick

Mafia Kick

Outside Cyclone Kill

Cyclone Kill

Step-Up Yakuza Kick + Kip-Up + Cyclone Kill

Corkscrew Neckbreaker

Reverses a Shooting Star Press with a Cravate Suplex

Crash Landing

Corner Rolling Elbow

Escapes from a Sleeper Hold + Rolling Elbow

Rolling Elbow

Ripcord Rolling Elbow


Hangman's Elbow

Diving D


Snap Piledriver

Tombstone Piledriver

Belly-to-Back Inverted Piledriver

Avalanche Gotch-Style Piledriver

Gotch-Style Piledriver