AR Fox


School Boy Roll-Up

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Dutchman's Boot

 Corner Flying Clothesline

Low Corner Slingshot Dropkick

John Woo

Top Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Springboard Spider German Suplex

Swanton Bomb 

Wrist-Lock Springboard Wheelbarrow Bulldog

Complete Shot on the Ropes

Full Body Guillotine

Rope-Hung Superkick

Rope-Hung Slingshot Cutter

Slingshot Senton

Slingshot Rolling Thunder Slingblade

Slingshot Swinging Neckbreaker

Springboard Codebreaker + School Boy Roll-Up

Topé con Hilo

Topé con Hilo Over the Ring Post

Vaulting Plancha

Kickflip Dive

Apron Takedown by the Legs to Inside + Apron Slingshot Basement Dropkick to Inside

 Rope-Hung Neckbreaker into the Apron

 Outside Springboard Arm-Drag using the Apron

Complete Shot

Swinging Reverse STO


Jumping Neckbreaker

Big Boot

Enzuigiri Kick 

Kip-Up to Escape from a Clothesline + Enzuigiri Kick

Jumping High Knee


Twisting Brainbuster

Cutter in Mid-Air

Backrolling Cutter

 Cutter to a Kneeling Opponent

Springboard Cutter

 Springboard Cutter into a Dragon Sleeper

Lo Mein Pain

450° Splash

 Fox Catcher