Yoshinobu Kanemaru

Backstage Talk


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Whiskey Mist

Low Blow from the Front

Low Blow from Behind

Pop-Up Low Blow

O'Connor Roll

School Boy Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Back Body Drop

European Uppercut

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smashes + European Uppercut

Corner Lariat

Throw on the Corner + Corner Lariat

Running Corner Big Boot

DDT on the Apron

Reverse DDT on the Apron

Brainbuster on the Apron

Outside Draping DDT

Outside Body Slam

Outside Snap Suplex

Outside DDT

Outside Brainbuster

Outside Shin Breaker on the Table

Knee Mat Slam

Rolling Leg Snap

Shin Breaker

Half Boston Crab

Boston Crab

Figure Four Leg Lock

Dragon Screw Leg Whip into a Figure Four Leg Lock

Kitchen Sink

Low Dropkick to the Leg


Big Boot

Enzuigiri Kick

Body Slam

Vertical Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

Reverses a Handspring Move with a Backdrop Suplex


Tombstone Double Knee Facebreaker


Reverses a Tiger Suplex with a DDT

Tilt-A-Whirl DDT

Reverse DDT

Tilt-A-Whirl Reverse DDT

Triple Rolling DDT


Moonsault Press

Body Slam + Moonsault Press

Middle-Rope Deep Impact

Deep Impact

Touch Out