Ilja Dragunov


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

O'Connor Roll

Shoulder Tackle



Discus Chop

Multiple Slaps

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smashes + Discus Chop

Grounded Elbow Strikes to the Side of the Head

Corner Chop

Running Corner Chop

Corner Lariat

Corner Lariats

Death Valley Driver on the Corner

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Outside Chop

Middle-Rope Diving Senton

Diving Senton

Coast To Coast

Rope-Hung Senton to the Back

Torpedo Moskau in a Opponent on the Apron

 Suicide Dive

Jumping Senton

Snapmare + Jumping Senton


Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Knee Strike

German Suplex

Saito Suplex

Big Boot + Saito Suplex

Saito Suplex Catch from the Corner

Full Nelson Backbreaker


Fake Discus Chop into a DDT

Sitout Powerbomb Catch from the Corner

Pumphandle Sitout Powerbomb

O'Connor Roll into a Pumphandle Sitout Powerbomb

Burning Hammer

Discus Lariat

Rebound Discus Lariat

Grüße aus Moskau

Rebound Grüße aus Moskau

Feint Grüße aus Moskau into a Grüße aus Moskau

Torpedo Moskau

Rebound Torpedo Moskau