Jake Lee

Backstage Talk



Ring Introduction

Back Body Drop

Corner Elbow Smashes + Back Elbows

Running Corner Back Elbow

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Half Boston Crab

Kimura Lock

Waki Gatame

Ude Gatame

Sleeper Hold

Reverses a Japanese Leg Roll Clutch with a Sleeper Hold

Hip Toss

Gutwrench Suplex

Running Corner Back Elbow + Gutwrench Suplex

Gut Knee Strike + Gutwrench Suplex

German Suplex 

Snap German Suplex

Running Corner Big Boot + German Suplex

Counter Lightning Knee Lift

Gut Knee Strike + Running Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Wrist-Lock Kitchen Sinks + Lightning Knee Lift

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Leg Lariat

Outside Big Boot

Outside Big Boot Over the Barricade

Big Boot to a Opponent on the Apron

Top Rope Big Boot

Big Boot

Running Corner Big Boot

High Kick

Counter High Kick

Dragon Suplex + High Kick 

Apron PK to the Outside


Snapmare + PK

Running Corner Big Boot + Snapmare + PK

Lightning Knee Lift + PK

Sleeper Hold + PK

Gut Knee Strike

Counter Lightning Knee Lift

Lightning Knee Lift

Knee Lift + PK

Outside DDT

DDT on the Apron


Gut Knee Strike + DDT

Running Corner Big Boot + DDT


Doctor Bomb

Gut Knee Strike + Doctor Bomb

Knee Lift + Doctor Bomb

Outside Knees Lift in a Opponent on the Apron

Outside Running Knee Lift in a Opponent on the Apron

Knee Lift

Knees Lift

Giant Killing

Knee Lift + Giant Killing

Giant Killing + Doctor Bomb

Running Corner Big Boot + German Suplex + Giant Killing

High Angle Backdrop

High Kick + High Angle Backdrop

Giant Killing + High Angle Backdrop