Bobby Roode (NXT)

Backstage Talk


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title


Promo with Title

Glorious Taunt

Jackknife Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up using the Ropes

Small Package Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle


Punch to a Kneeling Opponent

Grounded Punchs


Back Elbow

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Corner Stomps

Corner Pressing Stomp

Corner Shoulder Thurst

Corner Shoulder Thursts

Corner Punch

Corner Chop

Corner Chops

Corner Punchs + Chops

Running Corner Clothesline

Throw into the Corner

Throw into the Corner + Running Corner Clothesline

Throw into the Ring Post

Top Rope Chop

Top Rope Takedown to the Outside


Diving Double Axe Handle

Missile Dropkick

Diving Blockbuster

Hot Shot

Rope-Hung Neckbreaker

Apron Push into the Ring Post

Flying Blockbuster from the Apron to the Outside

Outside Throw into the Steel Steps

Single-Leg Crab

Figure Four Leg Lock

Knee Drop

Knee Drop to the Back

Elbow Drop

Chop Block

Knee Chop Block

Pendulum Backbreaker


Knee Lift

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick


Fireman's Carry Stunner

Stalling Vertical Suplex

Back Suplex


Short-Arm Clothesline

Discus Clothesline

Northern Clothesline 

Powerbomb Catch from the Corner


Spinebuster on the Floor

Glorious Bomb

Glorious DDT on the Floor

Glorious DDT

Tilt-a-Whirl Glorious DDT

Tornado Glorious DDT