Kenny Omega


Entrance with Title

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title


Promo with Title and Trophy


Crucifix Roll Up

Inside Cradle

Reverses a Avalanche Frankensteiner with a Sunset Flip Roll Up

Ladder Gut Strike

Shoulder Block

Eye Rake

Double Axe Handle to the Arm + V-Trigger

Double Axe Handle

Corner Chop


Elbow Smash

Rebound Back Elbow Smash


Flashing Elbow Drop

Kick to the Arm + V-Trigger

Kick to the Arm

Backslide Knee Strike

Knee Strike

Knee Strike to a Kneeling Opponent

Kitchen Sink

Big Boot

Missile Back Dropkick

Missile Back Dropkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Double Low Dropkick


Soccer Kick

Spinning Back Wheel Kick


Sling Blade


Reverses a Powerbomb with a Reverse Frankensteiner

V-Trigger + Reverse Frankensteiner

Reverse Frankensteiner

Baseball Dropkick to a Opponent with a Table

Baseball Dropkick

Pescado to a Opponent with a Ladder

Twisting Pescado



Rise of the Terminator

Apron Back Body Drop

Apron Brainbuster to Outside

Outside Ladder Smash

Outside Powerbomb Through a Table

Outside Powerbomb into a Chair

Outside Moonsault

Outside Apron Body Slam

Outside Body Slam

Outside Apron Gourdbuster

Outside Apron Powerbomb

Outside Apron Back Suplex

Outside Snap Suplex

Jumping Tornado DDT

Pendulum Backbreaker

Slingshot Ladder Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Sitout Powerbomb

Last Ride Powerbomb

Kneeling Powerbomb

Dr. Wily Bomb on a Ladder

Dr. Wily Bomb

Outside Rolling Samoan Drop

Rolling Samoan Drop

Second Rope Moonsault

You Can't Escape

Escapes from a Kimura Lock with a German Suplex

Reverses a Triangle Choke with a Powerbomb

Back Suplex

Deadlift German Suplex


Spike Piledriver

Electric Chair Spike Piledriver

Reverses a Destino with a Michinoku Driver

Double Underhook Piledriver

V-Trigger + Aoi Shoudou

Aoi Shoudou

Avalanche Dragon Suplex

Dragon Rush

Dragon Rush on the Apron

Bridge Dragon Suplex

Kotaro Krusher on a Ladder

Double Kotaro Krusher

Kotaro Krusher

Bloody Sunday

Styles Clash

Croyt's Wrath

Dragon Rush + V-Trigger


Apron V-Trigger

Corner V-Trigger

Reverses a Buckshot Lariat with a V-Trigger

Standing V-Trigger

Back V-Trigger to a Opponent on the Ropes

Back V-Trigger

Reverses a Flying Forearm Smash with a V-Trigger


Super One Winged Angel

One Winged Angel