Kazuchika Okada (Pants)

Entrance with Balloons

Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction with Title


European Uppercut

Elbow Smash

Running Back Elbow Strike

Shoulder Tackle


Fake Slap and Taunt

Sliding Dropkick

Inverted Roll Up

Scooby-Dooby Doo Splash

Outside Elevated DDT

Elevated DDT



Heavy Rain

Missile Dropkick

Reverses a Flying Move with a Dropkick

Back Dropkick

Front Dropkick

Triangle Dropkick

Dropkick to a Opponent with a Chair


Corner Running Back Elbow Strike

Put Opponent on the Top Rope

Dropkick to a Opponent on the Top Rope


Outside Throw to the Barricade

Outside Big Boot

Outside Throw to the Barricade + Big Boot

Body Slam

Diving Elbow Drop

Reverse Neckbreaker

Apron Tombstone Piledriver

Outside Tombstone Piledriver

Tombstone Piledriver

Reverses a Destino with a Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

German Suplex

Standing Cobra Clutch Hold

Cobra Clutch Hold

Spinning Rainmaker

Rainmaker Pose

Reverses a Destino with a Rainmaker
