

Entrance with Title


Superman Landing

School Boy Roll-Up

Running Hurricanrana 


European Uppercut

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smashes + European Uppercut

Rolling Elbow

Corner Chop

Running Corner European Uppercut

Tiger Feint Kick

Top Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Top Rope Rolling Thunder Uppercut

Avalanche Hurricanrana

Double Avalanche Hurricanrana

Diving European Uppercut

Diving Elbow Drop

Handspring Satellite DDT

Springboard European Uppercut

Tiger Feint Kick + Springboard European Uppercut

Suicide Dive

Fosbury Flop

Corkscrew Tiger Drop

Tope con Hilo Over the Top Rope

Running Hurricanrana in a Opponent on the Apron to the Outside

Springboard Moonsault Plancha

Arm-Trap Crossface

Standing Moonsault

Standing Moonsault to the Back

Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Shooting Star Press to the Back

Standing Shooting Star Press + Springboard Moonsault

Standing Shooting Star Press + Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault

Jumping Knee Strike


Handstand Headscissors Takedown + Kip-Up + Dropkick

Rolling Thunder Dropkick

Backflip Kick

Axe Kick


Rolling Thunder Lariat

Discus Lariat

Arm-Trap Discus Lariat

Running Neckbreaker

Cartwheel Death Valley Driver

Snap Suplex + Deadlift Vertical Suplex

Deadlift Brainbuster

Northern Lights Suplex + Deadlift Brainbuster

Reverse Rana

Springboard 450° Splash

King's Landing


630 Senton to the Back

630 Senton