Zack Gibson



Ring Introduction 

School Boy Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle

Two-Handed Throat Chop


Slap to a Kneeling Opponent 

European Uppercut

Elbow Smash

Corner Elbow Smash 

Corner Stomps

Running Corner European Uppercut

Running Corner Clothesline 

 Merseyside Drop

Arm-Suplex in a Opponent on the Apron to Inside

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick in a Opponent on the Apron

Suicide Dive

Outside Elbow Smash

Outside Arm-Takedown

Stomp to the Elbow


Hammerlock Arm-DDT

Stalling Arm-Suplex

Snap Suplex


Short-Arm Clothesline

Two-Handed Throat Chop + Clothesline

Folding Tiger Driver

Cross Legged Fisherman Buster

Tombstone Shoulder Breaker

Tombstone Facebreaker

Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Ticket to Ride

Rope-Hung Ticket to Ride

Kick to Takedown from the Top Rope + Elbow Smash + Rope-Hung Ticket to Ride

Helter Skelter

Outside Helter Skelter

Shankly Gates 

School Boy into a Shankly Gates