
Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

School Boy Roll-Up

Whelbarrow Roll-Up

Double Frankensteiner


Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash + Chop



 Corner Chop

Outside Chop

Outside Chops


Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Diving Single Knee Facebreaker

Middle-Rope Dragon-Fly


Dragon-Fly to the Back

 Triangle Dropkick


Triangle Plancha

Suicide Dive

Topé con Hilo

Fosbury Flop

Slingshot Flatliner

Slingshot Cutter

Outside Reverse STO on the Apron

Wheelbarrow Roll into a Standing Frog Splash

Wheelbarrow Roll into a Double Foot Stomp


Swinging Neckbreaker

Reverse STO + Cutter

Sliding Kick

Basement Dropkick

Leg Sweep + Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Leg Sweep + Double Foot Stomp to the Back + Sliding Kick

Leg Sweep + Double Foot Stomp to the Back + Basement Dropkick

Spinning Back Kick


Cartwheel + Backflip + Dropkick

Calf Kick

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Fake Chop + Chop to the Leg + Enzuigiri Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Leg Sweep + Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Top Rope Pele Kick

Apron PK to the Outside

Exploder Suplex

Reverses a Handspring Move with a German Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

Hero's Grip

STO Backbreaker + Hero's Grip

Reverses a Handspring Move with a Hero's Grip

Deadlift Hero's Grip

Leg Sweep + Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent + Deadlift Hero's Grip

Corner Discus Lariat

Corner Discus Lariat + Lariat


Feint Lariat into a Lariat

Discus Lariat

Lumbar Check


Tiger Driver

Michinoku Driver

ACH's Big Bang Attack

 Buster Call

Deadlift Buster Call

Midnight Star