Atsushi Kotoge


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

 Backslide Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Slingshot School Boy Roll-Up

Corner Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chops

Elbow Smash



Sliding Dropkick


Calf Kick

Rocket Kick

Missile Kick to a Opponent on the Apron

Topé con Hilo

Diving Crossbody

Frog Splash

Moonsault Press

Frankensteiner to the Outside to a Running Opponent

Avalanche Frankensteiner

Reverse Frankensteiner

Reverses a Eletric Chair with a Reverse Frankensteiner

Shiranui Kai

Side Effect


Bull Dogging Headlock

Corner Lariat + Bull Dogging Headlock

Corner Lariats + Bull Dogging Headlock

Death Penalty

Escapes from a Michinoku Driver + Death Penalty


Air Raid Crash

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Air Raid Crash

Corner Leg Lariat

Top Rope Leg Lariat

Leg Lariat

Onsoku Leg Shot

Escapes from a Sunset Flip + Onsoku Leg Shot

Reverse Frankensteiner + Onsoku Leg Shot

Killswitch from the Top Rope

O'Connor Roll + Killswitch

