Keiji Mutoh

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Shoulder Block

Kick to the Gut


Flashing Elbow

Flashing Elbow on the Leg

Hip Toss

Rib breaker

Throws Opponent into the Guard Rail

Throws Opponent to the ropes and puts him into the Sleeper Hold

Step-up High Knee to a Cornered Opponent

Snapmare followed by a Flashing Elbow

Stepover Toehold Sleeper


Stepover Toehold Sleeper transition into a Crossface

Avalanche Frankesteiner

Low Dropkick to the Knee

Low Dropkick when Opponent is entering the ring

Missile Dropkick to the Knee

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Dragon Screw Leg Whip on the Ropes

Dragon Screw Leg Whip on the Top Rope

Two Low Dropkicks to the Knee followed by a Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Dragon Screw Leg Whip followed by the Figure Four Leg Lock

Figure Four Leg Lock

Moonsault Press

Enzu Senkou Youjutsu

Senkou Youjutsu

Celebration with Title