

Ring Introduction

Crucifix Roll-Up

Reverses a Pinfall with a Crucifix Roll-Up

Oklahoma Roll

School Boy Roll-Up

Corner Springboard Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Reverses a Chokeslam with a Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Back Body Drop

Corner Chop


Elbow Smash

Running Corner Back Elbow

Avalanche Frankensteiner

Diving Crossbody

Slingshot Elbow Drop


Suicide Dive

Topé con Hilo

Tope Con Hilo to Two Opponents

Asai Moonsault

Corner Mushroom Stomp to Inside

Apron Double Foot Stomp to the Back in a Opponent on the Barricade


Reverses a Diving Move with a Dropkick

Enzuigiri Kick

Escapes from a Lariat + Enzuigiri Kick

Reverses a Slingshot Move with a Northern Lights Suplex

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex into another Opponent on the Corner

Avalanche Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Half Nelson Suplex

German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

2th Rope Sliding German Suplex

Avalanche German Suplex


Rebound Lariat

Lariat Rebounded from the Corner

Piledriver on the Apron


Gotch-Style Piledriver

Apron Sliding Gobstopper to the Outside

Gobstopper Rebounded from the Corner

Counter Gobstopper


Gobstopper to a Kneeling Opponent

Gobstopper to the Back of the Head on a Kneeling Opponent

Gobstopper + Piledriver

Gobstopper to the Back of the Head on a Kneeling Opponent + Piledriver

Outside Dudebuster DDT

Springboard Dudebuster DDT

Assisted Dudebuster DDT

Escapes from the Corner + Dudebuster DDT

Escapes from a Fireman's Carry + Dudebuster DDT

Dudebuster DDT

Running Corner Back Elbow + Dudebuster DDT
