

Entrance with Trophy

Entrance with Title

Entrance with Titles


Promo with Title

Promo with Titles

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

 Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes 

 Double-Handed Chop

Leg Hook Double-Handed Chop

 Double-Handed Chops

Corner Double-Handed Chop

Corner Double-Handed Chops

Rope-Hung Kneebar

Half Boston Crab

Elevated Half Boston Crab

Boston Crab

Elevated Boston Crab

Ankle Hold

Double Ankle Hold

Manriki Sleeper

Chop Block

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Running Dropkick

 Scoop Powerslam 

Running Powerslam 

Running Powerslam Catch a Opponent from the Top Rope

Snap Suplex

Capture Suplex

Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Trapping Suplex

German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Double-Handed Chops + German Suplex

Wheelbarrow Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

 Double-Handed Chop + Backdrop Suplex

Reverse STO


Blocks a Kick + Folding Powerbomb

Blocks a Knee + Folding Powerbomb

Corner Lariat

Corner Lariat + Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Corner Lariat + German Suplex

Lariat in a Opponent on the Ropes + German Suplex

Short-Arm Lariat

Short-Arm Lariats


Feint Lariat into a Lariat

Leg Hook Lariat

Backdrop Suplex + Lariat

Rolling Lariat

Backdrop Hold

Last Ride