Toru Yano


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ropes Taunt

Y.T.R Taunt + Shrug

Takes Turnbuckle Pad Off

Hot Potato with the Turnbuckle Pad

Throws Turnbuckle Pad to the Opponent

Ties Opponents

Breaks Pinfall

Shirt Choke

Outside 634


Throws Opponent at the Referee + Low Blow

Low Blow

Throws to Exposed Turnbuckle

Hits the Back with a Turnbuckle Pad

Eye Rake

Slap to the Back of the Head

Mongolian Chop

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash


Hip Toss

Catapult to a Exposed Turnbuckle

Outside Atomic Drop

Atomic Drop

Turnbuckle Pad Dragon Screw

Spear to the Back to a Blind Opponent

Spear to the Back

Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Vertical Suplex to Multiple Turnbuckle Pads


Reverses a Sliding Lariat with a Crucifix Roll Up

Fireman's Carry Roll Up


Front Cradle

Hair Pull Cradle

Leg Takedown Pinfall

School Boy Roll Up to a Tied Up Opponent

Blinds Opponent + School Boy Roll Up

Throws to Exposed Turnbuckle + School Boy Roll Up

Low Blow + School Boy Roll Up

School Boy Roll Up

Small Package

Reverses a Dragon Sleeper with a Urakasumi
