The Miz


Entrance with Maryse

Entrance with Title

Entrance with Title and Maryse


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

School Boy Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up using the Ropes

Back Elbow


Surfboard Double Stomp to the Knees

Kick to the Opponent on the Ropes

Catapult on the Ropes

Butterfly Lock

Corner Shoot Kick

Corner Jumping Knee Strike

Running Corner Dropkick

2 Running Corner Dropkicks

3 Running Corner Dropkicks

Baseball Slide

Diving Double Axe Handle

Shoot Kicks to a Kneeling Opponent

Buzzsaw Kick

Running Big Boot to a Seated Opponent

Kitchen Sink

Kitchen Sink + Running Big Boot to a Seated Opponent

Cravate Knee Strikes

Busaiku Knee Kick


Awesome Clothesline

Diving Clothesline to a Trapped Opponent


Tilt-a-Whirl Argentine Backbreaker

Slingshot Sitout Powerbomb

Headlock Driver

Inverted Facelock Backbreaker + Neckbreaker

Snap Inverted DDT


Outside DDT

Snap DDT

Snap DDT on the Apron

Figure Four Leg Lock

Leg Takedown + Figure Four Leg Lock

Escapes from a Sunset Flip + Figure Four Leg Lock

Skull-Crushing Finale