Akira Tozawa (Dragon Gate)


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Frankensteiner of The Almighty


Fake Chop + Right Hook

Corner Fake Chop + Right Hook

Forearm Smash

Rolling Elbow

2 Rolling Elbows

Topé Suicida

Bicycle Kick to a Opponent on the Apron + Topé Suicida

Step-Up Topé con Hilo

Senton Bomb

Body Slam + Senton Bomb

2 Senton Bombs

Diving Senton Bomb

Body Slam + Diving Senton Bomb

Diving Senton Bomb to a Pile of a Chairs

Running Meteora

Pop-Up Meteora

Escapes from a Sunset Flip + Shining Wizard

Soccer Kick to the Back + Spinning Kick + Shining Wizard to a Seated Opponent

Corner Bicycle Kick

Throw to the Corner + Corner Bicycle Kick

Throw to the Corner + Corner Bicycle Kick + Throw to the Corner + Corner Bicycle Kick

Bicycle Kick to a Opponent on the Apron

Apron Bicycle Kick

Top Rope Bicycle Kick

Bicycle Kick

Bicycle Kick Rebounded from the Corner

Spinning Back Kick + Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick

Arm-Trap Backstabber



Bicycle Kick + Brainbuster

Brainbuster to a Pile of a Chairs

Delayed Brainbuster

Avalanche Brainbuster

Backdrop Suplex

Slide Under the Opponent + Backdrop Suplex

Running Corner Elbow Smash + Backdrop Suplex

Corner Bicycle Kick + Backdrop Suplex

German Suplex

Slide Under the Opponent + German Suplex

Slide Under the Opponent + Release German Suplex

Spinning Back Kick + Feint Corkscrew High Kick + Slide Under the Opponent + German Suplex

Bicycle Kick to the Arm + German Suplex

German Suplex to a Opponent on the Top Rope

Deadlift German Suplex

Half Package German Suplex

German Suplex on the Corner

German Suplex on the Apron

Avalanche Release German Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Snap German Suplex Hold

Bicycle Kick + Snap German Suplex Hold

Deadlift German Suplex Hold

Escapes from a Jumping Enzuigiri Kick + Deadlift German Suplex Hold

Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head + Deadlift German Suplex Hold

Half  Package German Suplex Hold

Package German Suplex Hold