Naomichi Marufuji

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Corner Chops

Corner Chop


Corner Jumping Back Elbow

Running Pescado

Springboard Triangle Moonsault

Slingshot Backstabber

Cobra Clutch Backstabber

Backstabber + Cobra Clutch with Neckscissors

Thrust Kick + Cobra Clutch with Neckscissors

Cobra Clutch with Neckscissors

Cobra Clutch Suplex Hold

Tiger Slam + Perfect Keylock

Perfect Keylock

Outside DDT


Hurricane Mixer

Sunset Flip Powerbomb in a Opponent on the Apron to the Outside

Outside Brainbuster on the Apron

Piledriver on the Apron

 Gotch Tombstone Piledriver

Curb Stomp

Outside Snapmare + Running Double Foot Stomp

Snapmare + Running Double Foot Stomp

Corner-to-corner Dropkick

Carthweel + Dropkick


Kawada Kicks

Apron Kawada Kicks to a Trapped Opponent

Marufuji Kick Combination

Reverses a Rolling Move with a Spin Kick

Spin Kick

Feint Suplex + Thrust Kick

Escapes from a Tombstone Piledriver + Thrust Kick

Escapes from a Powerbomb + Thrust Kick

Escapes from a Fireman's Carry + Thrust Kick

Thrust Kick

Outside Thrust Kick

Apron Thrust Kick to a Seated Opponent

Corner Ko-oh

Escapes from the Corner + Ko-oh

Reverses a Diving Body Attack with a Ko-oh

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Ko-oh

Reverses a Tiger Feit Kick with a Ko-oh

Suplex Lift-Up Ko-oh

Ripcord Ko-oh

Multiples Ko-oh


Ko-oh to a Kneeling Opponent

Escapes from a Running Knee Strike + Thrust Kick + Ko-oh

Thrust Kick + Ko-oh

Thrust Kick + Ko-oh + Thrust Kick + Multiple Ko-oh

Thrust Kick + Slap + Spin Kick + Ko-oh

Thrust Kick + Ko-oh + Kakato Otoshi to the Arm + Thrust Kick + Ko-oh

Ko-oh to the Arm + Thrust Kick + Ko-oh

Thrust Kick + Ko-oh + Ko-oh to the Arm + Thrust Kick + Ko-oh

Thrust Kick Under the Legs + Enzu Ko-oh

Enzu Ko-oh

Shin Tora-oh

Perfect Inside Cradle

Thrust Kick + Kakato Otoshi to the Arm + Thrust Kick + Shiranui

Shiranui on the Apron

Avalanche Shiranui


Shiranui Kai

Tiger Flowsion

Pole Shift

Pole Shift Emerald Flowsion