Back Elbow
Elbow Smash
Suicide Dive
Senton Bomb
Pendulum Backbreaker
Backdrop Suplex
German Suplex
Snap German Suplex
Over the Shoulder Cutter
Blocks a Kick + Powerbomb
Avalanche Brainbuster
Corner Lariat
Throw to the Corner + Corner Lariat
Feint Lariat into a Lariat
Double Lariat
Short-Rage Lariat
Short-Rage Lariat to a Seated Opponent
Sliding Lariat
O'Connor Roll + Sliding Lariat
Lariat + Sliding Lariat
Death Valley Driver
Death Valley Driver to a Running Opponent
Reverses a Lariat with a Death Valley Driver
Reverses a Diving Move with a Death Valley Driver
Deadlift Death Valley Driver
2 Death Valley Driver in Sequence
Avalanche Death Valley Driver
Blue Vengeance