

Ring Introduction

School Boy Roll-Up

Reverses a Gory Bomb with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Reverses a One-Winged Angel with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up


Open-Handed Chop



Corner Chop

Corner Rolling Thunder Forearm Smash

Corner Superkick

Springboard Spinning Kick in a Opponent on the Corner

Top Rope Rolling Thunder Uppercut

Top Rope Springboard Spinning Kick

Tope Rope Superkick from the Apron

Outside Springboard Avalanche Hurricanrana to Inside

Springboard Avalanche Hurricanrana

Wrist-Lock Springboard Avalanche Hurricanrana

Avalanche Arm-Drag

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Swanton Bomb

Rope-Walk Penalty Kick to a Trapped Opponent

Handspring Headbutt

Wrist-Lock Springboard Arm-Drag

Springboard Headbutt

Springboard German Suplex

Springboard Bridge German Suplex

Springboard Dropkick in a Opponent on the Apron

Springboard Double Foot Stomp to the Back in a Opponent on the Apron

Springboard Spinning Kick in a Opponent on the Outside

Slingshot Rolling Thunder Cutter to the Outside

Sommersault Suicida

Topé con Hilo

Springboard Moonsault Plancha

Outside Handspring Cutter

Outside Springboard Spinning Kick in a Opponent on the Apron

Outside Double Foot Stomp to the Back from the Ramp

Slingshot Hurricanrana

Outside Slingshot O'Connor Roll into a Double Foot Stomp to Inside

Slingshot Rolling Thunder Cutter

Outside Springboard Crossbody to Inside

Outside Springboard Cutter to Inside


Rolling Thunder Dropkick

Spinning Kick

Stay through the Ropes + Spinning Kick

Spinning Back Kick + Roundhouse Kick

Ripcord Roundhouse Kick

Rolling Yoshi Tonic

Rolling Thunder Crucifix Bomb

Rolling Thunder Cutter

Back Rolling Cutter

Reverse Rana

Reverse Rana from a Electric Chair

Fire Thunder Driver

Black Fire Driver