Kento Miyahara


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Multiple Titles

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title

Japanese Leg Roll Clutch

Outside Headbutt


Shoulder Tackle

Corner Running Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

High Kick

Apron Pumping Kick to a Opponent on the Top Rope

Apron Pumping Kick

Reverses a Flying Move from the Apron with a Pumping Kick

Pumping Kick

Rope-Hung Dropkick

Low Dropkick + Middle Dropkick

Middle Dropkick

Drop Toe Hold to the Middle Rope + Apron Basement Dropkick

Apron Basement Dropkick

Low Dropkick


Reverses a Backdrop Suplex with a Crossbody

Drop Toe Hold to the Middle Rope

Apron Bulldog to a Chair

Back Body Drop

Outise Fireman's Carry Drop to the Barricade

Outside DDT

Northern Lights Suplex

Blackout to the Back of the Head + German Suplex Hold

German Suplex Hold

Corner Blackout to the Back of the Head + German Suplex

German Suplex to a Opponent on the Top Rope

German Suplex

Apron Piledriver

High Kick + Brainbuster

Pumping Kick + Brainbuster

Corner Blackout + Brainbuster

Outside Brainbuster


Break Heart

 Corner Blackout to the Back of the Head

Standing Blackout to the Back of the Head

Blackout to the Back of the Head

Corner Blackout

Standing Blackout

Apron Blackout

Corner Blackout to the Back of the Head + German Suplex + Blackout

German Suplex + Blackout

Three Blackout


Shutdown German Suplex Hold