Bobby Gunns


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Low Blow

Backslide Roll-Up

Japanese Leg Roll Clutch

School Boy Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Running Corner European Uppercut

Running Corner European Uppercut + Second Rope Diving European Uppercut

Second Rope Diving European Uppercut

Diving European Uppercut

Outside Fireman's Carry Drop on the Apron

Arm-Takedown on the Apron


Dragon Screw on the Apron to a Trapped Opponent

Dragon Screw to a Trapped Opponent

Dragon Screw

Stomp to the Elbow

Backslide + Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Corner Middle Kicks

Middle Kicks to a Kneeling Opponent

Running Corner Big Boot 

John Woo

European Uppercut + Back Elbow + Big Boot

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick


Punt Kick


Avalanche Exploder Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

Running Corner Big Boot + Backdrop Suplex

Big Boot + Backdrop Suplex

Bicycle Kick + Backdrop Suplex

Deadlift Backdrop Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

German Suplex

Escapes from a Fireman's Carry + German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Deadlift Straight Jacket German Suplex

Bridge German Suplex

Snap Bridge German Suplex

Deadlift Bridge German Suplex

German Suplex + Guillotine Choke

Half Nelson Suplex


Rebound Lariat

Rope-Hung Triangle Ambar

Kimura Lock

Fujiwara Ambar

Half Boston Crab


Dragon Screw + Cross-Legged Kneebar

Triangle Choke

Octopus Hold

Guillotine Choke

Guillotine Choke + Kimura Lock

Flying Swish Armbar

Swish Armbar

Half Boston Crab with a Armlock

Omoplata Scissored Armbar

Omoplata Scissored Armbar with a Street Muffler

Northen Lights Bomb

Emerald Flowsion