Shotaro Ashino


Entrance with Title

Backstage Talk


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

European Uppercut to a Kneeling Opponent

European Uppercuts to a Kneeling Opponent

Pop-Up European Uppercut

Running European Uppercut to a Kneeling Opponent

Pop-Up European Uppercut + Running European Uppercut to a Kneeling Opponent

Running European Uppercut to the Back of the Head of a Seated Opponent

Discus European Uppercut

Shoulder Tackle

Corner Running European Uppercut

Diving European Uppercut

German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

3 German Suplexes

Avalanche German Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Gutwrench Suplex

Deadlift Gutwrench Suplex

Apron Gutwrench Suplex to the Outside

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Exploder Suplex on the Corner

Avalanche Exploder Suplex

T-Bone Suplex

Foot DDT

Rapid Dragon Screw

Rapid Dragon Screw to a Trapped Opponent

Missile Dropkick


Half Boston Crab

Cross-Legged STF

Stretch Muffler

Rolling Ankle Lock

Ankle Lock