Brian Cage


Entrance with Title


Shoulder Block

Put in the Corner + Corner Shoulder Thrusts

Forearm Smash

Drop Toe Hold on the Ropes + 818

Five Star Elbow Drop

Topé con Hilo

Backslide + Knee Strike

Jumping Knee Strike



Running Corner European Uppercut + Enzuigiri Kick + German Suplex

Running Corner European Uppercut + Enzuigiri Kick + Release German Suplex

Running Corner European Uppercut + Enzuigiri Kick

Biel Toss

Reverses a Diving Move with a Sitout Swinging Side Slam

Bicep Curls + Release Fallaway Slam

Falling Powerslam + Standing Moonsault

Scoop Powerslam + Corner Springboard Moonsault


Outside Back Suplex on the Apron

Turnbuckle-Trapped Superkick + Electric Chair Drop

Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker

Torture Rack Driver

Springboard Tornado DDT

Diving Tornado DDT

Reverses a Suicide Dive with a Brainbuster

Avalanche Brainbuster

Springboard Brainbuster to a Opponent on the Apron

Outside Pop-Up Powerbomb on the Apron

Reverses a Triangle Armbar with a Powerbreaker

Alabama Powerbomb from the Corner

Alabama Powerbomb

Avalanche Powerbomb

Short-Arm Clothesline

Put in the Corner + Corner Shoulder Thrusts + Short-Arm Clothesline

Corner Clothesline + Clubbing Clotheslines + Short-Arm Clothesline

Corner Clubbing Clotheslines + Short-Arm Clothesline

Corner Clubbing Clotheslines


Superkick to the Gut + Kick to the Face + Superkick +Tornado Claw

Pop-Up Powerbomb + Deadlift Powerbreaker + Tornado Claw

Pop-Up Powerbomb + Turnbuckle Powerbomb + Tornado Claw

Rebound Tornado Claw

Tornado Claw


Outside F'n 5 on the Apron

Reverses a Springboard Move with a F'n 5

Powerbomb + F'n 5

F'n 5

Jumping Knee Strike + Drill Claw

Deadlift Powerbomb + Drill Claw

Drill Claw

Weapon X