

Ring Introduction

School Boy Roll-Up

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Outside Tijeras


Wrist-Lock Springboard Arm-Drag

Open-Handed Chop

Elbow Smash

Running Corner European Uppercurt

Lotus Lock

Waki Gatame

Snapmare + Slingshot Senton

Arabian Press

Step-Up Topé con Hilo

Topé con Hilo

Springboard Tornillo to the Outside

Sommersault Senton to the Outside

Apron Shooting Star Press to the Outside

Standing Moonsault

Standing Shooting Star Press

Double Handspring Back Elbow + Standing Moonsault + Standing Shooting Star Press

Fireman's Carry Slam + Rolling Senton + Standing Moonsault

Springboard Missile Kick + Standing Shooting Star Press

Handspring Back Elbow + Standing Standing Shooting Star Press

Handspring Back Elbow + Standing Moonsault

Handspring Back Elbow

Snapmare + Sliding Dropkick


Corner Superkick



Pop-Up DDT

Reverse Frankensteiner


Vertical Suplex + El Retador

Top Rope Enzuigiri Kick + El Retador

El Retador

Avalanche Flam Fly to a Multiple Opponents on the Outside

Avalanche Flam Fly

Flam Fly + Neza

Flam Fly

Ripcord Flam Fly

Springboard Flam Fly

Flam Fly

Phoenix Splash