Jimmy Havoc


Entrance with Title


Jackknife Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up


Shoulder Tackle


European Uppercut

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash of a Running Opponent

Forearm Smashes

Roaring Elbow

Push into the Ropes + Roaring Elbow

Corner Forearm Smash

Running Corner Back Elbow

Running Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Bicycle Knee Strike

Running Corner Facewash

John Woo

Top Rope Roundhouse Kick

Avalanche Hurricanrana


Diving Hurricanrana

Diving Canadian Destroyer

Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Triangle Clothesline

Springboard Cutter

Suicide Dive

Springboard Vertical Suplex in a Opponent on the Apron to Inside

Apron Diving Hurricanrana to the Outside

 Apron Diving Foot Stomp to the Back to the Outside

Outside Chop

Outside Bicycle Kick

Outside Throw the Opponent on the Crowd Chairs

Outside Running Senton in a Opponent on the Crowd Chairs

Cobra Clutch

Stomps to the Head

Double Foot Stomp

Snap Suplex

Half Nelson Suplex

Roaring Elbow + Half Nelson Suplex

Knee Strike

Snapmare + Basement Dropkick to the Back of the Head


Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent

Pele Kick

Ripcord Roundhouse Kick

Roundhouse Kick to a Kneeling Opponent



Pumphandle Powerbomb

Fireman's Carry Knee Lift

Death Valley Driver

Cartwheel Death Valley Driver


Reverse Rana

Scoop Lift Brainbuster

Burning Hammer

Go Home Driver

Suicide Silence

Acid Rainmaker

Forearm Smash + Acid Rainmaker

Double Acid Rainmaker

Staples the Opponent's Head

Throw a Chair in a Opponent Face

Throw a Multiple Chairs in a Opponent Face

Chair Shot to the Back

Barbed Wire Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to a Steel Chair

Throw Headfirst into the Steel Chair on the Corner

Low Corner Dropkick on the Steel Chair

John Woo in a opponent sitting on a Chair

Superplex on the Table

Diving Double Foot Stomp to a Table Outside

Apron Piledriver to a Table Outside

Outside Kendo Stick Shot

Outside Kendo Stick Shot to a Kneeling Opponent

Outside Kendo Stick Shot to the Back

Outside Kendo Stick Shot to the Head

Outside Throw a Chair in a Opponent Face

Outside Chair Shot to the Face

Outside Throw a Ladder in a Opponent Face

German Suplex on the Steel Chair

Burning Hammer on the Steel Chair

Reverses a Handspring Move with a Burning Hammer on the Steel Chair

Back Suplex on the Thumbtacks

Death Valley Driver on the Thumbtacks

Canadian Destroyer on the Thumbtacks