Da Mack


Small Package Roll-Up

 Double-Handed Chop


European Uppercut

Palm Slaps + Jumping Forearm Smash

 Forearm Smash

Corner Open-Handed Chop

Corner Double-Handed Chop

Corner Double-Handed Chops

Corner Jumping Forearm Smash

Corner Stomps


Top Rope Rolling Thunder Uppercut

Springboard Avalanche Frankensteiner

Springboard Avalanche Powerbomb

Springboard Forearm Smash

Springboard Enzuigiri Kick

Apron Penalty Kick to the Outside

Outside Double-Handed Chop

Outside Double-Handed Chops

Outside Knee Strike in a Opponent on the Apron

Grounded Abdominal Stretch

 Butterfly Suplex + Guillotine Choke


Jumping Knee Drop

Soccer Kick to the Back


Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Penalty Kick

Knee Lift

 Bicycle Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike

Sliding Knee Strike


Short-Arm Clothesline



Cradle Shock Samoan Driver

Mack Magic 
Pull from the Opponent from the Top Rope into a Mack Magic
