PAC (Dragon Gate)


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Back Elbow

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Back Body Drop to the Outside in a Multiple Opponents

Back Body Drop

Back Body Drop to the Outside

Free Fall Drop

Corkscrew Asai Moonsault

Corkscrew Moonsault Plancha

Apron Shooting Star Press to Outside into a Pile of Chairs

Shooting Star Press to the Back on a Standing Opponent

Spinning Back Kick + Kick to the Face + Spinning Back Kick

Spinning Back Kick

Kick to the Face

Reverses a Spear with a Kick to the Face

Kick to the Face + Spinning Back Kick + Sliding Kick

Top Rope Enzuigiri Kick

Escapes from the Corner + Enzuigiri Kick


Missile Kick to the Back

Missile Kick

Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Standing Moonsault Double Knee Drop

Knee Drop

Body Slam + Knee Drop

Body Slam

Deadlift German Suplex Hold

German Suplex Hold

Rebound German Suplex + Sliding Kick

Rebound German Suplex

Corner Lariat


Reverses a Springboard Frankensteiner with a Deadlift Folding Powerbomb

Deadlift Sitout Powerbomb

Sitout Powerbomb

Pop-Up Sitout Powerbomb

Blue Thunder Bomb

Reverses a Back Body Drop to the Outside with a Slingshot Cutter

Slingshot Cutter

Backslide Driver

Avalanche Falcon Arrow

Avalanche Brainbuster

Outside Brainbuster

Avalanche Tombstone Piledriver

Tombstone Piledriver on the Apron

Springboard 450° Splash

Second Rope Phoenix Splash

Black Arrow