Kid Lykos


Entrance with Title

Running Corner Back Elbows

Running Corner Elbow Smash

Slingshot Arm-Drag

Cannonball to the Back

Running Hurricanrana + Cannonball to the Back

Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors to the Ropes + Cannonball to the Back

Calf Kick + Kip-Up

Springboard Hurricanrana + Calf Kick + Kip-Up

Slingshot Arm-Drag + Corner Springboard Hurricanrana

Corner Springboard Hurricanrana

Springboard Hurricanrana

Diving Hurricanrana

Diving Sommersault Hurricanrana

Running Hurricanrana

Topé con Hilo from the Balcony

Step-Up Topé con Hilo


Soomersault Senton to the Outside

Moonsault Plancha

Kick to the Leg + Buzzsaw Kick + Double Foot Stomp

Snapmare + Low Rope Springboard Double Foot Stomp

Diving Double Foot Stomp

Jumping Knee Strike

Springboard Knee Strike

Double Sliding Rocket Kick

Sliding Rocket Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Slingshot Diamond Dust

Corner Springboard Tornado DDT

Slingshot Tornado DDT

Slingshot Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Reverse Frankensteiner

Octopus Stretch

Full Moon

Roundhouse Kick + Brainbuster
