Shigehiro Irie


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Shoulder Block

Shoulder Tackle


Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smashes + Back Elbows


Corner Batten Bomber

Corner Standing Cannonball Senton

Corner Cannonball Senton

Corner Cannonball Senton In two Opponents

Avalanche Death Valley Bomb

Diving Cannonball Senton

Beast Splash

Rope-Hung Cannonball Senton to the Back

Gore in a Opponent on Apron to the Outside

Suicide Dive

Slingshot Swanton Bomb to the Outside into a Pile of Chairs

Outside Deadlift Powerbomb on the Apron

Outside Pop-Up Powerbomb on the Apron


Teddy Bear

Slingshot Teddy Bear

Vertical Suplex

Body Slam

Release Fallaway Slam

Scoop Slam

Scoop Powerslam + Senton

Black Hole Slam

Wrist-Lock Black Hole Slam

Hammerlock DDT

Samoan Drop

 Death Valley Bomb

Death Valley Bomb Catch of a Running Opponent

Deadlift Death Valley Bomb


Tazmission Catch in Mid-Air

Idaho! Minnesota! Mississippi! Elbow

Northern Lariat

Batten Bomber

 Beast Bomber