Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Reverse STO + Gedo Clutch

Small Package Roll-Up

Reverses a Cloverleaf with a Small Package Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle

Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chop to a Kneeling Opponent



Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Elbow Smashes

Rolling Elbow

Masahiro Tanaka

Masahiro Tanaka of a Running Opponent

Corner Chop

Corner Step-Up Enzugiri Kick to the Back of the Head

Running Corner Dropkick to the Back of the Head

Reverse STO on the Corner


Top Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Top Rope Handspring Kick

Swanton Bomb on a Standing Opponent to the Outside

Avalanche Arm-DDT

Midnight Express

Handspring Back Elbow

Handspring Cutter

Springboard Overhead Chop

Springboard Frankensteiner

Arm-Breaker in a Opponent on the Apron

Apron Arm-Breaker to Inside

Apron Step-Up Enzuigiri to Inside

Brainbuster on the Apron

Apron Soccer Kick to the Arm to the Outside

 Outside Reverse STO on the Barricade

Outside Running Dropkick Over the Barricade 

Outside Rolling Thunder DDT in a Opponent on the Apron to the Floor

Figure Four Leg Lock

Cattle Mutilation

Reverses a Suicide Dive with a Fujiwara Armbar

Juji Gatame

Hip Toss + Juji Gatame

Slingshot Tornado DDT + Juji Gatame

Apron Juji Gatame

Reverses a Cloverleaf with a Juji Gatame

Reverses a Missile Dropkick from the Apron with a Juji Gatame

Reverses a OsCutter with a Juji Gatame

Reverses a Sasuke Special with a Juji Gatame

Reverses a Oscutter with a Springboard Juji Gatame

Reverses a Pip Pip Cheerio using the Barricade with a Juji Gatame

Avalanche Flying Juji Gatame

Triangle Choke

Arm-Trapped Stomps to the Head



Release Shin Breaker

Inverted Atomic Drop + Dropkick to the Leg

Cartwheel + Low Dropkick

Hip Toss + Basement Dropkick

Kick to the Leg

Kicks to the Arm

Running Dropkick to the Arm

Soccer Kick to the Arm

Handspring Kick

Pele Kick

Buzzsaw Kick

Escapes from a Sunset Flip + Buzzsaw Kick

Kawada Kicks

German Suplex

Springboard German Suplex

Dragon Suplex Hold

Snap Dragon Suplex Hold

Backrolling Dragon Suplex Hold

Reverses a Brainbuster with a Stunner

Hoverboard Lock

Reverses a Fireman's Carry Move with a Hoverboard Lock

Reverses a MX with a Hoverboard Lock

Reverses a Oscutter with a Hoverboard Lock

Tilt-a-Whirl Hoverboard Lock

Avalanche Hoverboard Lock

Back to the Future

Avalanche Back to the Future