Mark Davis


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Tilt-a-Whirl Free Fall Drop




Right Hook

Right Hook in Mid-Air

Rebound Right Hook

Basement Right Hook

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smashes + Chops

 Grounded Forearm Smashes

Grounded Forearm Smashes to the Back of the Head

Corner Chop

Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Big Boot

Corner Chops + Big Boots

Corner Chop + Clothesline

Corner Chops + Clotheslines

Corner Enzuigiri Kick

Corner Spinning Wheel Kick

Low Corner Right Hook

Corner Spinning Wheel Kick + Low Corner Right Hook

Turnbuckle Powerbomb

Corner STO to Inside

John Woo

Top Rope Chop


Avalanche Frankensteiner

Springboard Avalanche Spanish Fly

Frog Splash

Suicide Dive

Apron Running Senton

Outside Chop

Outside Back Suplex on the Apron

Outside Powerbomb on the Apron

Reverses a Suicide Dive with a Right Hook

Figure Four Leg Lock

Inverted Figure Four Leg Lock

Running Senton

Running Senton to the Back

3 Running Sentons

Canadian Ripcord Slam

Canadian Ripcord Slam + Running Senton

Biel Toss

Deadlift Body Toss

Sliding Kick

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

 Big Boot

Big Boot in Mid-Air

Running Big Boot

Discus Big Boot


Folding Powerbomb

Avalanche Powerbomb


Alpamare Waterslide

Running Big Boot + Alpamare Waterslide


Piledriver on the Apron

Close Your Eyes and Count to FUCK

Close Your Eyes and Count to FUCK + Piledriver