Kyle O'Reilly


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Backslide Roll-Up

Forearm Smash

Rolling Elbow

Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head

Ankle Lock

Reverses a Curb Stomp with a Kneebar


Rolling Kneebar

Kimura Lock

Reverses a Standing Moonsault with a Kimura Lock

Ude Gatame

Hammerlock Guillotine Choke

Guillotine Choke

Reverses a Diving Spear with a Guillotine Choke

Reverses a Fireman's Carry with a Guillotine Choke

Reverses a Northern Lights Suplex with a Guillotine Choke

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Guillotine Choke

Reverses a Tiger Driver with a Guillotine Choke

Triangle Choke

Reverses a Figure Four Leg Lock with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Frog Splash with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Gotch-Style Piledriver with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Leg Trapped Sitout Powerbomb with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Moonsault Press with a Triangle Choke

Reverses a Shooting Star Press with a Triangle Choke

Arm-Trapped Stomps to the Head + Triangle Choke

Triangle Choke with Elbows to the Head

Kicks to the Leg + Running Leg Sweep

Soccer Kick to the Arm

Hammerlock Leg Sweep


Arm-Takedown on the Apron


Avalanche Arm-DDT


Pendulum Backbreaker

Kitchen Sink

Grounded Knees and Elbow Strikes + Sliding Knee Drop

Float Over Knee Strike

Kick to the Leg + Knee Strike

Second Rope Diving Knee Drop to the Back

Apron Missile Kick to the Outside

Double Missile Kick

Missile Kick

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back


Fake PK + Slap

Fake Penalty Kick + Slap + Penalty Kick

Rolling Butterfly Suplexes + Swinging Facebuster

Avalanche Backdrop Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

Arm-Breaker + Backdrop Suplex + Kneebar

Capture Suplex

German Suplex

Reverses a Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick with a Regal-Plex


Rush Combination + Leg Sweep

Rush Combination + Knee Strike

Tilt-a-Whirl DDT

Pumphandle Driver

Pumphandle Half Nelson Driver


Double Nigel


Ax and Smash

Brainbuster on the Apron


Double Brainbuster

Tarantula ARMageddon

Reverses a Handspring Cutter with a ARMageddon

Reverses a O'Connor Roll with a ARMageddon

Rolling ARMageddon


Brainbuster + ARMageddon

Springboard Tornado DDT into a Brainbuster + ARMageddon