Roderick Strong


Entrance with Title


Crucifix Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle


Back Elbows + Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smashes + Chops

Forearm Smashes + Back Elbow

Forearm Smashes + Back Elbows

Spinning Back Elbow

Corner Chop

Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Forearm Smashes

Corner Chops + Corner Forearm Smashes

Running Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Jumping High Knee

Corner Jumping High Knee + Crash Thunder Buster

Corner Jumping High Knee + Lift Backbreaker + Crash Thunder Buster

Cradle Backbreaker Toss on the Corner

Tope Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Pendulum Backbreaker on the Top Turnbuckle

Uranage Backbreaker on the Top Turnbuckle


Hanging Enzuigiri Kick

Hanging Big Boot + Hanging Enzuigiri Kick

Jumping High Knee in a Opponent the Ropes

Running Forearm Smash Sequence  in a Opponent the Ropes

Gourdbuster on the Ropes

Rope-Hung Strong Hold

Wrecking Ball Dropkick

Corkscrew Plancha

Apron Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick to Inside

Apron Enzuigiri Kick

Fireman's Carry Drop on the Apron

Back Suplex on the Apron

Apron Inverted Fireman's Carry Toss on the Top Turnbuckle

Apron Flying Knee Strike to the Outside

Outside Chop

 Outside Crash Landing on the Apron

Outside Half Nelson Backbreaker on the Apron

Outside Back Suplex on the Barricade

Outside Back Suplex on the Steel Steps

Outside Pendulum Backbreaker on the Steel Steps

Outside Cradle Backbreaker on the Steel Steps

Modified Argentine Rack

Gory Special


Dropdown Gutbuster

Pumphandle Gutbuster

Pop-Up Double Knee Gutbuster


Dropkick in Mid-Air

Calf Kick

Big Boot

Big Boot to a Kneeling Opponent

Argentine Double Knee Backbreaker

Backbreaker Drop + Fireman's Carry Toss on the Corner

Belly-to-Back Backbreaker

Rope-Hung Butterfly Backbreaker

Canadian Backbreaker

Cradle Backbreaker

Cradle Backbreaker Catch from the Corner

Cradle Backbreaker Catch from the Top Rope

Cradle Backbreaker Catch from a Running Opponent

Reverses a Rolling Thunder Flatliner with a Cradle Backbreaker

Reverses a Spinning Wheel Kick with a Cradle Backbreaker

Half Neson Backbreaker

Half Neson Backbreaker Catch in Mid-Air

Lift Backbreaker + Crash Thunder Buster

Pendulum Backbreaker

 Pull-Out Backbreaker

Pumphandle Backbreaker

Spinning Backbreaker

Somersault Lift Backbreaker 

Uranage Backbreaker

Teadrop Suplex

Olympic Slam

Avalanche Olympic Slam

Jumping Stomp

Leaping Lariat 

Escapes from the Corner + Leaping Lariat 

Crash Thunder Buster

 Death by Roderick

Jumping High Knee

Sick Kick

 Death by Roderick + Sick Kick

Jumping High Knee + Sick Kick

Gibson Driver

Strong Hold

Gutwrench Powerbomb + Strong Hold

Gibson Driver + Strong Hold

End of Heartache

Jumping High Knee + End of Heartache

Jumping High Knee + Death by Roderick + End of Heartache