Josh Alexander


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Titles

Jackknife Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle





Right Hook

Back Elbow

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Rolling Elbow

Ripcord Rolling Elbow

Corner Chop

Corner European Uppercut

Corner Forearm Smash

Running Corner Forearm Smash

Missile Dropkick

Diving Knee Drop to the Back of the Head

Diving Shoulder Tackle

Crossbody Suicide Dive to the Back of an Opponent sitting on the Apron

Falling Body Slam on the Apron Catching the Opponent Inside the Ring

Outside Vertical Suplex on the Apron

Ankle Lock

Reverses a Diving Codebreaker with a Ankle Lock

Sleeper Hold

Swinging Sleeper Hold

Big Boot

Running Big Boot

Body Slam

Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam

Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam Catch from the Top Rope

Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam + Diving Knee Drop to the Back of the Head

Delayed Vertical Suplex

Stalling Vertical Suplex

 Release Suplex

Inverted Suplex

Release Northern Lights Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Back Suplex

German Suplex

Reverses a Ocktopus Hold with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Cradle Backbreaker 

 Cradle Backbreaker Catch of a Running Opponent

Reverses a Spinning Wheel Kick with a Cradle Backbreaker

Half Nelson Backbreaker

Deadlift Powerbreaker

 One-Arm Deadlift Powerbomb

Deadlift Folding Powerbomb

 Torture Rack Bomb


Sam Killa

Rusty Nail